Repair shops could be the source of the 'hybrids.' This could have been done for consumer testing or experimental reasons.or it could simply be that repair shops could take parts (they had in inventory) from one of the horns and use them for repairs on the other model.

Professionals seem to indicate that for a few years before and after the 'changeover' indicated on websites, horns of multiple versions were made and some were hybrid (partially configured for a SBA and partially configured for a Mark VI, for example). (As the Selmer Paris serial number chart would lead you to believe). Most people do not believe it is the case that in 1953 Selmer stopped making the SBA (official Super Action) and in 1954 they started making the Mark VI. The year of production is a pretty good indicator (but not perfect) of the horn you have. The serial numbers are going to help you identify the year of production pretty reliably.Ģ).

From my research, the best I can figure is the following.ġ). I have been working with two Vintage Selmers (Paris only) in the past month, asking myself this exact questions. But you can contanct Selmer/Conn and they can probably help you by a phone call if nobody steps forward and directs you here. I deal mostly in vintage American horns, and vintage European pro line horns. I am not familiar with the serial number lists of todays horns. I believe Tenor Madness has a stencil from a German or Belgium producer and Saxquest has one from Taiwan. You can even get your own stencil from a Taiwan producer today. Selmer USA simply is a stencil of a taiwan producer today. In other words there are no horns with the same serial number, one alto and one tenor. So you can have a tenor 116748 and the next horn an alto at 116749, Circa 1964 on the serial number chart. It simply depends on which horn was manufactured next, depending on their orders to produce them.

The serial numbers do not differentiate from alto tenor Bariton Sopranino whatsoever. If you are looking at vintage pro line horns and even pro line horns made by Selmer Paris today, they simply go numerically higher as the years advance. Selmer Paris is totally different from Selmer USA.